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We Are

The Modern Templar Order.

You will find we offer the Knights Institute to study the History of the Order and to Strengthen your Journey as a leader in the Templars at the Knights Institute website. “Non Nobis Domine” (Not to Us, O Lord, but to Your name give glory) –Psalm 115

Charity Driven Order.

Our Grand Priories.

Our Grand Priories around the Globe work with a variety of charity organizations helping and serving others in need.

Forging Strong Leaders.

Join our Christian Brother and Sisterhood Order

Become a Strong leader in the Knights Templar, get involved in your community by helping others.


O.S.M.T.J. Knights Templar (O.S.M.T.J. stands for the French, “Ordre Souverain et Militaire du Temple de Jérusalem”). The Knights Templar are a Christian (Catholic, Protestant, and Orthodox) fraternal and chivalric Order. We have no Masonic or political affiliations. We are ecumenical meaning we are not affiliated with any single denomination but represent all of Christendom.

We are part of a world-wide organization for the fellowship and networking of like-minded individuals. Our Order is organized Internationally. The Grand Master of the Order is: H.E. Philippe Ghostine Matta, KGCTJ.

Our Order vows to hold to the virtues of Honesty, Loyalty, Perseverance, Charity, Humility, Courage, and Honor. We take our vows seriously and hold each other accountable as our ancient statue proscribes: “Each day we must help our brethren for whom we are responsible, for one day God will say, ‘Where is thy Brother?'”

In contrast to much of today’s society, with people moving from place to place, and from relationship to relationship, this Order calls Knights and Dames to live a committed life of purpose.

Historically, the Knights Templar were a Christian order of warrior monks founded about 895 years ago in 1118 A.D.. Named for the Temple Mount in Jerusalem, the Templars initially protected pilgrims traveling through the Holy Lands, but eventually evolved into a powerful military force that waged war to protect the Holy Land during the Crusades

With the blessings of Grand Master Zdrojewski and Swiss Grand Prior, Alfred Zappelli, Father Philip Guarino founded this United States Grand Priory of the OSMTJ Knights Templar in 1973. Guarino was an Italian-American former Roman Catholic Priest, who had attended Seminary in Italy. He moved to Washington D.C. in 1945 and was long time friends of Alfred Zappelli. Read more about our founder by clicking

The reasons for the order are to:

– Spread the light of Christ in an increasingly dark world. Today’s Templars are faced with a spiritual battle instead of a physical one.

– Practice works of mercy, charity, and benevolence.

– Act as a force to unify all Christians, Catholic, Protestant and Orthodox, under the banner of Christ. Today, Christians are under attack by extraordinarily powerful enemies. “We must all hang together, or assuredly we shall all hang separately.”

– Perpetuate the traditions of the Knights Templar by defending Christendom through non-violent means.

– Live a life of Chivalry and hold each other accountable to a lifestyle of excellence.

– Promote historical studies, heraldry, and the genealogy of the Order.

– Promote, through the values ​​of friendship, loyalty and respect, feelings of universal brotherhood and ideals of solidarity between all people.

The 12th century Cistercian Abbot, Bernard of Clairvaux wrote, ”The Knight Templar is truly a fearless knight and secure on every side, for his soul is protected by the armor of faith just as his body is protected by armor of steel. He is thus doubly armed and need fear neither demons nor men. Not that he fears death–no, he desires it. Why should he fear to live or fear to die when for him to live is Christ, and to die is gain?

One of our primary focuses is raising money and awareness for our chosen charity. We currently work with several outstanding and trustworthy local and international N.G.O's.

Why not do something extraordinary to make a difference in the world for good? Being a Knight Templar means being committed to an ancient holy order 895 years old. It is not a remnant of the past, it is a way of life.

The US Priory of the Knights Templar and our foreign Prioies are looking for those upstanding Christians interested in becoming exceptional. Few are chosen and the standards are rigorous, but the reward of Knighthood in this ancient and storied Order awaits you. Do you dare to try? For more information on how to join us, go to our contact page page and send a message or click join the Knights Templar tab.
Become a Leader to help others.



Investiture into our Order is a great honor and brings with it great responsibility. The history of our Order for almost a thousand years is filled with examples of heroic service to our Lord, and the spirit of service in fulfilling the mission of the Order today is no less important. Indeed, circumstances around the world call for a renewed dedication to our Mission.

God is calling a new generation of Knights Templar today. Being a Knight Templar means living a life of purpose and meaning and by taking a stand for what is right in our families, community, and nation. It means being part of an ancient holy order that has been around for 895 years. Being a Knight Templar is not a remnant of the past, it is a way of life.

It will not be easy, but the transformation into a Knight Templar will change your life. The US Priory of the Knights Templar is looking for upstanding Christians who want to become exceptional. The reward of Knighthood in this ancient and storied Order awaits you. Do you dare to try? The monetary costs are minimal but Knights and Dames are called to great commitment to a purpose bigger than themselves. It is only for those of true faith who are serious about the vows of Knighthood.

When an initiate takes on the white robes of the Order, it is an outward sign of the heart. The Knight is philosophically leaving the worldly things behind and becoming a new and better being because the seed of that is nestled in their heart. In 1146, Pope Eugenius III granted the Templars the privilege of wearing the Red Cross or Cross Patteé on their mantles as a symbol of their willingness to shed their blood in sacrifice for God. It remains a symbol of our willingness to make sacrifices in our own lives in our service to Jesus Christ.

We note that there are a number of organizations that claim to be Templars, but which have absolutely no lineage as true organizational or spiritual descendants of the Order. These “Templar” organizations often charge hefty fees for joining, and some do not accept persons of average means, preferring to focus their efforts on recruiting the wealthy and influential. We decry such practices. When the Knights Templar were founded in 1118 A.D. by Hugh de Payens and eight other knights, they were known as the “Poor Knights of Christ.” The Order did not allow individual knights to own anything except their mantles and weapons. So strict was the rule concerning “monastic poverty” that if a Knight Templar died and a single penny was found on his body, he was refused a Christian burial. Today, however, there are “Templar” organizations that will not accept members unless they are very well to do! We believe that setting membership rules that allow only the wealthy to be become members is the antithesis of what our Lord taught. Some of these so-called Templar organizations would refuse membership to any of the Apostles, as they were not men of wealth, and would turn away a poor carpenter: Jesus Christ himself!

For more information on how to join us simply fill out the form in the JOIN page. Some of the conditions required to be admitted to the Order are:

– Having turned 18 years-old (applicants less than 18 may join as “Squires”)

– A Professing Christian

– Having integrity, virtues, and the preparation of a true Knight or Dame.

– Not having a felony criminal conviction.

– Having at least a general education satisfactory to understand the spirit of the meetings and the work carried out there.

– Understanding the laws of the Order and having stated their commitment to respect them.

Member Testimonials

Being a Knight Templar is of great importance to me as I hold the values and honor of the old ways. I’m filled with a deep commitment that still still calls modern man to take such vows to become a Knight in principle. The vows I have made call me to be a messenger of God to do what is in the best interest of family, community, and the Order. Chivalry is the glorious expression of life affirming principles.” – Brother Neil

Please remember that we are run by volunteers with jobs and families and it could take between one to two weeks before this process is complete.


Have you always wanted to become a Knight Templar helping others? Your God given Gifts, Talents and Knowledge are needed.
The time to help is now!.
More than ever we live in a world of chaos and discontent, no matter how large or small the amount of effort we give to ease someones discomfort, any
involvement is a welcome blessing.
Is this the moment in time? you become part of the brother and sisterhood of the Knights Templar and offer your time?
If God is tugging your heart strings to do so, We welcome you with open arms.

International Order

The United States Grand Priory of The Supreme Military Order of the Jerusalem Temple was founded in 1973 by Father Philip Guarino with the permission and appointment of then Grand Master Antoine Zdrojewski and Swiss Grand Prior Alfred Zappelli. Read more about our founder here:Philip-Guarino

The OSMTJ strives to the highest ideals of and draws its inspiration from the ancient Order of the Temple. Although no group can claim direct descendancy from the ancient Order, we strive to be the spiritual and philosophical heirs to the ancient Knights Templar founded by Hugues de Payens in 1118. Our Grand Masters are elected and serve for 5 years, originally they served for life just as it has been done since the beginning of the Order. The position of Grand Master can not be passed on through anyone’s will or by being the son of a Grand Master. Any, so called, “Templar” Order that uses those claims to support Grand Master succession is not legitimate. Our Grand Master is Philippe Ghostine Matta.

Our Order was restored by His Imperial Majesty, Napoleon Bonaparte, by imperial decree in 1807. In 1853, it was given recognition by Emperor Napoleon III. In 1918, the Order was re-registered in France in accordance with French law. On January 19th, 1932, it was registered in Brussels, Belgium: 1957 Namur / Belgium BE-410 20708. This recording was done by three Belgian Templars in Brussels, Joseph Cleeremans, Gustave Jonckbloedt and Théodore Covias. The record of the registration of the “Sovereign Military Order of the Temple of Jerusalem” appears in the Belgian Monitor on January 20, 1933. Lastly, our Order was re-registered in Namur, Belgium, on November 15th, 1975. These registrations can be viewed by clicking on our osmtj knights templar Document Pages.

Your Church Member, Family Member or Friend Joined the O.S.M.T.J. Knights Templar, What does this mean?

The Knights Templar OSMTJ is an Christian community from all Christian faiths who have joined together to encourage one another in this spiritual battle of life. We are made up of pastors, construction workers, doctors, Lawyers, current and retired U.S. Military personnel, current and retired police officers, first responders and average people like your and I, who want to grow helping others as Christ teaches.

Let’s start by what we are:

• We are non-Masonic, focused on Christ! While there are Masonic groups of the Knights Templar, ours is not. We are about proclaiming Christ and His salvation to all.

• We are made up of Christian men and women from Catholic, Protestant and Orthodox congregations across the U.S.

• We are part of an international organization called the OSMTJ.

• We are an organization that trains leaders in the Christian faith held to a high standard.

• We are not a religious denomination, but an ecumenical body made up of Christian individuals from most Bible believing denominations across the World and the USA., much like a ministerial alliance or association in your own community. Our membership consists of ministers, lay people, and families and provides an outlet for friendship, prayer support, encouragement in faith and accountability for active Christian work.

Now, what we are not:

• We are not a militia and we are not preparing for physical warfare. Our focus is preparing men and women to engage and advance in a world where spiritual warfare is a constant at a time when much of the church has gone to sleep.

• We are not a replacement for your church. To the contrary. Everything we do is geared towards empowering men and women to get off the sidelines in local ministry and become engaged. We encourage our Knights, Sergeants and Companion at Arms, Squires, Chaplains and Chaplain Assistants to mentor members of their local church and community in the love and fealty to our Lord Jesus Christ.

• We are not bogged down by issues of doctrine. We focus on Jesus Christ and who He is. There is no requirement of any member to abandon their church’s doctrine, but we are connected by what unites us as the ecumenical body of Christ.

• We are not political. While we encourage our members to engage in politics in their personal lives, our Order does not endorse candidates.

• We are not a secret society. We don’t have any secrets to keep and don’t use secret oaths. We strive to be transparent and you can read everything about our Order here on our website.

Final thoughts about our structure: We have two primary tracks within our organization.

Military Command Structure – Most follow the military command structure track that trains Knights, Sergeants, Companion at Arms and Squires. There are required readings about faith in Christ, history and mentorship. This is a place where men and women are encouraged in their faith and held accountable for their representation of Christ in this world, especially on social media where members are encouraged to connect.

Chaplains Corps- For licensed and ordained individuals serving currently in ministry positions or retired. Those licensed and ordained individuals from recognized denominations are vetted and assigned the rank of Chaplain. Those with interest in ministry calling who have attained ordination through other means are allowed to serve as Chaplain Assistants with the strong recommendation to pursue ordination in their respective denominations. Chaplains help members with prayer concerns, and hold officers to the high standard of Christian living required for a leadership in a Christian organization.

All meetings either online or in person are optional, but also do very, uplifting and encouraging. We encourage participation honoring the Lord, as did the “Poor Knights of Christ” in the early days of the order.

We serve in Priories or Commanderies based on geographical location. Some are divided by state lines and others are more regional covering multiple states depending on the number of members in a given location.

Charitable Focus
We are focused on protecting the innocent, whether they be members of the persecuted church, or at a local level in nursing homes, senior programs, or other ministries to people in need and around the world.

To learn more about the Knights Templar, or for membership for yourself, please visit our JOIN PAGE.

Why Modern Knighthood?

When most people think about knights, they think of feudal knights serving a sovereign. Probably the most famous knights in the English speaking world were King Arthur’s Knights of the Round Table. These knights served their king and also went on sacred quests to find the Holy Grai. The German writer Wolfram von Eschenbach, in his immortal medieval work Parzifal, equated the Grail Knights with the Knights Templar. Both the Grail Knights of Arthur’s realm and the Knights Templar were dedicated to achieving purity of heart: the spiritual attribute that would allow one to have a vision of the Grail—or to see God, as the Beatitudes stated.

The essential quality of knighthood was complete devotion to one’s sovereign, in the case of secular knights, or complete devotion to Jesus Christ and His church, in the case of knights belonging to one of the religious Orders. Knights of both types devoted themselves to skill of arms. Whether religious or secular, however, a knight was expected to be unrelenting in battle, fearless in the face of hopeless odds, and magnanimous in victory.

Knights are not just a thing of the past, however. There are a number of chivalric Orders that exist today. The British monarchy still grants knighthoods, as does the Papacy with the Order of Christ. Two religious Orders that still grant knighthoods are the Knights of Malta (Order of St. John) and this Order, The Supreme Military Order of the Jerusalem Temple. In all cases where a secular knighthood is granted, it is for exceptional service to the sovereign or to certain worthwhile causes, while knighthoods granted by religious Orders are in recognition of service to God and one’s fellow man.

The traditional role of the knight was to defend the defenseless, to be pious in worship and in dealings with others, and to maintain one’s personal honor above all costs. Such knightly values might seem out of place in the 21st century, with so much emphasis on “me,” money, and materialism—but a few individuals still believe life is truly not worth living unless it serves a higher purpose. Such individuals believe that “living a holy life,” and not material success, is the most important thing to which we can aspire. These are the kind of men and women that we are seeking to join the Knights Templar!

What are the reasons for having knights in the 21st century?

First, there is the matter of commitment. As opposed to the past, most modern institutions do not ask much in the way of commitment. In the past, people were asked to give more of themselves to the church and to the community; in many cases today, all that we are asked to give is money. There are few things in the modern age that ask for personal loyalty, or that reciprocate loyalty in turn. Seemingly, there is little expectation that people want to commit themselves to anything, or to receive a commitment in return. The man or woman who would become a knight, however, feels unfulfilled in such a world. These men and women are looking for something to give themselves to wholeheartedly, something in which to invest all of their heart, mind, and soul. Just as importantly, they are looking for something that will reciprocate their loyalty and devotion.

Those who become knights know that although there are government agencies and private charities to fight poverty, and military or police to fight the enemies of our country and its citizens, these are not enough. They know that unless good men and good women take personal responsibility for making the world a better place to live, none of the organizations and agencies in existence will be enough to keep the forces of darkness at bay.

Knighthood takes the concept of personal responsibility to the “next level.” Knowing that many of their fellow men and women will do nothing, those who aspire to knighthood believe that it is incumbent upon them to do that much more.

One example is poverty. As our Lord said, “The poor you will always have with you.” For all of the programs administered by the government, and charities operated by the churches and other organizations, there will always be the poor. We should not, however, let the existence of “programs” give us an excuse for inaction. The true knight has internalized the story about the “Good Samaritan,” and helps the poor or disadvantaged whenever he or she can. It is not necessary to always give money—a knight’s most precious gift may be his or her time, which may be spent teaching the illiterate how to read, or driving elderly persons to a doctor’s appointment. A true knight should never walk past someone who is truly in need without trying to help! Never. That is a knight’s creed.

A knight however, is distinguished from those who merely dispense aid to the poor and disadvantaged. That distinguishing feature is the willingness to engage in “knightly combat,” the battle against evil.

It will take men and women with the dedication of true knights to make the changes that are needed. It will take men and women with the courage of true knights to stand up and be counted, and to demand accountability from our respective governments on their relations with countries that persecute Christians. It will take men and woman like those of the Supreme Military Order of the Jerusalem Temple.

Our Order was founded in 1118 A.D. to protect Christians journeying to and from the Holy Land. Later, the Order was responsible for protecting Christians in the Holy Land itself. We have stayed true to our original charter by defending the persecuted church in foreign lands. Our mission is just as compelling today, if not more so, than it was 886 years ago.

Our Order believes that there is still a place for knights in the 21st century. We believe there will always be a place for knights as long as there is poverty, the needs of the elderly, the sick, the helpless, and the persecution of the church. This is not a question: “Do I have time?” Or, “I will get to that soon.” This is not subject to negotiation or scheduling. Fellowship and aid to the less fortunate, the helpless are a Templar’s duty, his sworn duty. His code of honor demands the core of knighthood in it’s unquestionable obligation to help the poor, the sick, the persecuted, the old, the needy, the helpless, the hungry, the cold, the unprotected. These duties are not stipulations; they are a code gladly taken by a Knight Templar. If one attempts to join our Order merely as a fraternity “club”, or for a title, that or anything else could never make he or she a “Knight Templar.” Being a Knight Templar is not a remnant of the past, it is a way of life.

2022-Today Philippe Ghostine Matta (Grand Master)
1994-2022 Dr. Nicolas Haimovici Hastier (Regent)
1989-1994 Georges Lamirand
1970-1989 General Antoine Zdrowjewski
1960-1970 Fernando de Sousa Fontes (Regent)
1942-1960 Dom Antonio de Sousa Fontes (Regent)
1935-1942 Emile Isaac (Vandenberg) (Regent)
1935 Theodore Covias (Regent)
1934 Conseil de Regence – Joseph Vandenberg
1894 Secretariat International des Templiers
1892 Joséphin Péladan (Regent)
1866 A.G.M. Vernois (Regent)
1850 Narcisse Valleray (Regent)
1840-1850 Edward VII. d’Angleterre et George V. de Hanovre
1839-1840 Sir William Smith
1838-1839 Charles Fortune Jules
1813-1838 Claude Antoine Gabrel
1804-1813 Bernardus Raymundus Fabre Palaprat
1792-1804 Claudius Mathacus Radix de Chevillon
1776-1792 Ludovicus Henricus Timoleo, de Cosse Brissac
1741-1776 Ludovicus Franciscus Borbonius
1737-1741 Louis Henri de Bourbon
1724-1737 Ludovicus Henricus Borbouius
1705-1724 ludovicus Augustius Borbonius
1681-1705 Philippus dux Aurelianenais
1651-1681 Jacobus Henricus De Duro Forti
1615-1651 Jacobus Ruxellius de Granceio
1574-1615 Carolus Valesuis
1544-1574 Heuricus De Monte Morenciaco
1516-1544 Gaspardas De Salciaco
1497-1516 Philippus Chabotius
1478-1497 Galeatius de Salazar
1472-1478 Robertus Lenoncurtius
1451-1472 Johannes Croyus
1419-1451 Johannes Arminiacus
1392-1419 Bernardus Arminiacus
1381-1392 Johanues Arminiacus
1357-1381 Bertradus Duguesclin
1349-1357 Johanes de Claromontanus
1340-1349 Arnaudus De Braque
1324-1340 Franciscus Thomas Theobaldus
1313-1324 Johanes Marcus Larmenius
1292-1314 Jacques de Molay
1291-1292 Thibaud Gaudin
1273-1291 Guillaume de Beaujeu
1256-1273 Thomas Bérard
1250-1256 Renaud (Reginald) de Vichiers
1247-1250 Guillaume de Sonnac
1245-1247 Richard de Bures
1232-1244 Armand de Périgord
1218-1232 Peire de Montagut
1210-1218 Guillaume de Chartres
1201-1210 Phillipe de Plessis
1193-1200 Gilbert Horal
1189-1193 Robert IV of Sablé
1184-1189 Gerard de Ridefort
1181-1184 Arnold de Torroja
1171-1180 Odo de St. Amand
1169-1171 Philip de Naplous
1157-1169 Bertrand de Blanchefort
1153-1156 Andrew de Montbard
1151-1153 Bernard de Tremelay
1147-1151 Everard des Barres
1136-1147 Robert de Craon
1118-1136 Hugues de Payens

Statutes, Principles & Regulations

Statutes, Principles & Regulations


“The Order” : OSMTJ is organized as an ecumenical Christian organization; not for profit and no part of the earnings of the Order shall be for the benefit of any private member or individual. The Order shall not attempt to influence legislation and shall not participate in any political campaign for or against political candidates.

Art. 1.

Title of “The Order”

The name of “The Order” is “OSMTJ” which is the abbreviation for the full French name : “Ordre Souverain et Militaire du Temple de Jérusalem”, translated into Latin as : “Ordo Supremus Militaris Templi Hierosolymitani”, hereinafter also referred to as : “The Order”,

Art. 2.

OSMTJ is the regular Temple Order, worldwide, descended from the authentic Order. We are the direct heir of the Templar heritage since its formal recognition. Our Order was restored by His Imperial Majesty, Napoleon Bonaparte, by Imperial Decree in 1807. In 1853, it was given recognition by Emperor Napoleon III. In 1918, the Order was re-registered in France in accordance with French law. On January 19th, 1932, it was registered as “The Order” in Belgium, Brussels, and in 1957 as “International Order” in Belgium, Namur /BE-410 20708. This recording was done by three Belgian Templars in Belgium Brussels, Joseph Cleeremans, Gustave Jonckbloedt and Théodore Covias. The record of the registration of the “Sovereign Military Order of the Temple of Jerusalem” appears in the Belgian Monitor on January 20, 1933. Lastly, our Order was re-registered in Belgium, Namur, on November 15th, 1975,

Art 2.1.

Our verifiable and demonstrable family tree / lineage goes back in a straight line to 1825 at the installation of the Grand Priory of Belgium by Dr. Fabre-Palaprat ,

Art. 3.

“The Order” is a permanent part of the Temple Network : OSMTJ INTERNATIONAL witch is the umbrella body of the Internationally recognized, Regular and Legitimate OSMTJ Grand Priories distributed around the world,

Art. 4.

OSMTJ is willing to cooperate with any regular order, regardless of OSMTJ / OSMTH , as long as it involves authentic orders that can prove their origin. We do not want to participate in any internal power struggles within some orders.

Art. 5.

OSMTJ’s main task is to provide the fraternity with more structure, unity and cooperation,

Art. 6.

OSMTJ gives recognition to one National Grand Priory per Country or State. Each priory can and may continue to operate completely independently and remain fully sovereign and autonomous, without any interference, provided they observe the fundamental principles of the Historical Regulations as provided in “The Rule”.

Art. 6.1.

In any Country and/or State, a Grand Priory may be established provided it meets the basic requirements as defined by OSMTJ,

Art. 6.2.

In order to become a member of OSMTJ, these Grand Priories must provide sufficient evidence of meeting the conditions set forth,

Art. 7.

The Grand Master shall exercise direction, as well as administrative and executive responsibility over the affairs of the Order, its establishments, subordinate organizations, and members.


In the event of the death or permanent and total medical disability of the Grand Master, certified by a licensed physician, the Magisterial Council shall review the medical evidence and decide by a simple majority the removal of the Grand Master. Upon the decision of the Magisterial Council the Grand Chancellor shall recommend to the Magisterial Council a candidate for the role of Regent of the Order.

Upon the selection of a Regent by the Magisterial Council, the Regent shall within six months after his’ or her’s appointment, organize and conduct an election by the Grand Priors of a new Grand Master. The Regent shall under the direction of the Grand Magisterial Council, conduct the day to day affairs of the Order until a new Grand Master is elected. Such authority may be exercised by the Regent for no longer than six months, and all actions taken by the Regent must be ratified by the Grand Magisterial Council as soon as is practicable at a meeting or by mail or electronic polling of its members at any time

Art. 7.2.

Regarding the election process for Grand Master it should comply with the following procedure:


7.2.1. Legitimacy It is a fundamental principle of modern times that any autonomous national organization of any nature is free to choose how to organize internationally with others of similar mind and aims and elect its leadership under the principles of justice, transparency and total freedom of action.

These Grand Priories are free to democratically elect their leadership and form of governance if they so wish, always keeping their legitimacy and chosen rule of law.

7.2.2. Electoral College The Electoral College is composed by the Grand Priors of the Order who will have the right to vote.

7.3.3. Auditor, The certifying Auditor shall be someone not associated to the Order and that receives no benefit whether financial or through personal interest.

The Auditor will verify that the individual Grand Prior represents the Grand Priory, according to the list previously supplied to him by the Grand Magisterial Council. The Voting Certificates can be requested by email to the Auditor, who will issue them. Only voters with the valid certificate can cast a valid vote.

Each Grand Priory represents one vote.

Candidates All Grand Priors with a Voting Certificate can also present their candidature for the position of Grand Master. The candidature should be sent to the Auditor by stating their name, Grand Priory, .

The Grand Master elect shall be the candidate with more valid votes.

7.2.4. Calendar The Electoral Calendar shall be the following: Declaration. The fist step is a Declaration that shall express the reason for the elections, the calendar to follow and the Auditors contact information. .

A period of one week shall be allowed for the electors to receive their Voting Certificates. It is also through this period that qualified voter will announce their candidacy to the Auditor. The candidates must have a Voting Certificate

The day after the voting certification period end the Auditor will announce the candidates and the list of registered Grand Priories registered to vote.

The day after the announcement the voting process will begin. This process will run for one calendar week, and can not be stopped by any reason.

The day after the voting has ended the votes will be counted. The Auditor will also use this time to prepare a declaration announcing the results of the elections.

The following day the Auditor shall make his declaration public to all the Grand Priories

Art. 7.3

The Grand Cross Officers including the National Grand Priors are appointed exclusively by the Grand Master / the Regent or the International Board. The same is valid for the awarding of the Grand Collar.

Art. 7.4.

For all other appointments, the National Grand Prior shall have full authority.

Art. 8.

Each National Grand Priory can be divided into Priories, Commanderies and local ‘houses’, over the territory of the Grand Priory,

Art. 9.

“O.S.M.T.J.” concerns a private society and community of Brothers & Sisters, and an Order of Knights, who in imitation of the historical predecessors : “The Templars”, strive for the perfection of mankind in general, and of our Brothers & Sisters in particular, by applying an ideal of Peace, Love, Nobility, Humility and Fraternity and this according to the ancient handed down tradition, taking into account the current social tendencies and developments,

Art. 10.

We consider historical, social and cultural works of study as an essential prerequisite to realize and achieve our aims of generosity, charity and fraternity, and this both on a theoretical and practical level. In doing so, we build upon the achievements and innovative work of our predecessors in the economic, spiritual, and organizational fields as a source of inspiration for the contemporary social values and standards that we wish to live up to.


We respect the historical rules of tradition and hereby respect the handed down customs, habits and rituals,

Art. 11.

We are socially representative as an Order and explicitly oppose elitism. We are composed of all layers of the population, regardless of race, sex, age, ideology and level of education. As a ‘group’ we want to be a reflection of the society in which we live and we want to devise solutions for a more prosperous world through thorough study, thinking and communication,

Art. 12.

Through our knowledge and skills, we want to work for the protection of our fellow man, the weaker in society, in general and the welfare of animals & nature and environment in particular,

Art. 13.

We consider it our special mission and duty to give help to third parties, to the poor and needy, and to undertake charitable, and to cooperate in humanitarian, actions.

Art. 14.

Through continuous and uninterrupted study and through thorough mental, intellectual and physical training we want to perfect ourselves individually. A healthy Mind in a healthy Body is our ultimate goal.

Art. 15.

We explicitly reject every form of religious warfare and oppose every form of aggression, violence and terrorism,

Art. 16.

We embrace and accept our pluralistic and multicultural society and by affirming ‘freedom of conscience’ we demand from all our members absolute respect for the views of others,

Art. 17.

We oppose all forms of injustice, oppression and discrimination and expressly oppose any form of extremism and fundamentalism

Art. 18.

We do not support any actions that would disturb peace and order in society, and we submit to the laws of the country and/or region in which we operate.

Art. 19.

The official language of the Order is English.


The International Board of O.S.M.T.J. is composed of three governing bodies.

is the highest Dignitary of the Order
and is referred to as His / Her “Excellency”,

which is
The Executive Committee of the Order
Composed of :

The Grand Master,

The Grand Chancellor General,

The Grand Secretary General,

The Grand Treasurer General,

The Grand Commander General

The Grand Adjudicator General

They constitute the first degree of the Councilor Board

(non board members)

is the Supreme Legislative Body of The International Order
and is composed of :

The Grand Master,

The Grand Chancellor General,

The Grand Secretary General,

The Grand Treasurer General,

The Grand Commander General

The Grand Adjudicator General

The Grand Seneschal General,

The Grand Marshal General,

The Grand Bailiff General,

The Grand Scribe General,

The Grand Resourcer General,

The Grand Almoner General,

The Grand Chaplain General,

The Grand Prior Magisters,

The “Generals” (Chief Commanders / Masters)
are all Grand Cross Officers & Grand Collar Officers
and are addressed with the title His / Her Excellency

Assisted by :

The Grand Viceroy,

The Grand Historian,

The Grand Sword Bearer,

The Grand Standard Bearer,

The Grand Draper,

The Ambassador General,

The Ambassadors,

The Speaker Grand Officers,

The Speaker Grand Priors

They are the Grand Officers

and addressed with the title : Noble Brother/Sister
They all are Non-Board Officers

They constitute the second degree of the Councilor Board

They are assisted by the

National Grand Priors
All the National Grand Priors are Grand Cross Officers
and addressed with the title : His / Her Excellency
They constitute the third degree of the Councilor Board.

Art. 20.1 Other members' titles of address

They are referred as Noble Brother/Sister.

They are referred as Noble Brother/Sister.

They are referred as Brother/Sister.

They are referred as Brother/Sister.

They are referred as Brother/Sister.

They are referred as Brother/Sister.

Art. 20.2. Appointments

Grand Magisterial Council

GRAND MASTER : H.E. Philippe Ghostine Matta- LEBANON.

GRAND CHANCELLOR GENERAL : Tymothy Bryant Jones - U.S.A.





Grand Executive Council





GRAND CHAPLAIN GENERAL-Father Rodrigo Dolorosa






Art. 21. Ranks and Grades

The Order” recognizes the following ranks and degrees :




  • all “Grand Cross Officers” are appointed exclusively by the Grand Master or Regent,

  • they are the “CHIEF COMMANDERS” of “The Order”,

  • Known as the ‘GENERALS‘,

  • and are addressed with the title His / Her Excellency


(Grand Cross/Grand Collar)






























OSMTJ INTERNATIONAL may, when deemed necessary, appoint and crown GRAND OFFICERS with a GRAND COLLAR.

Article 39.7. – Without prejudice to the conferred Ranks & Degrees, The Order may also, exceptionally, confer the “GRAND COLLAR” on Brothers and/or Sisters Grand Officers, from the Level VIII – the Rank of : PRIOR COMMANDER and/or for “exceptional merit” for the benefit of The Order.”


The Order has three classes of affiliates who, not being bound by the general conditions of admission, deserve to be distinguished for their services :

  • Dame (or Signet) with the corresponding rank for ladies of high social rank or belonging to the family of members of the Order. The partners of the Grand Dignitaries are “Ladies of honor”/ “Sir of honor” with the rank corresponding to that of their husband/wife.

  • Squire for the heirs of the Knight/Dames or sons/daughters of dignitaries.

My the Lord Bless each one.

Statutes of the Order in the U.S.A.

We hereby set forth the following guiding principles of the OSMTJ and Grand Priory of America, in order to reaffirm the charter of our founders and to ensure that our Grand Priory is never corrupted or compromised in its principles. As the OSMTJ Grand Priory of America has entered the Third Millennium after the advent of our Lord, we hold the following articles indefeasible and central to the legitimacy and continued survival of the Grand Priory of America:

Article I

We forever dedicate ourselves to the service of our Lord Jesus Christ and the universal, Holy Christian Church that He founded. We are an ecumenical Christian Grand Priory, with admission open to all professing Christians, Catholics, Protestants, and Orthodox, regardless of church affiliation or denomination. We look forward to the day when all Christian churches are once again unified, and until that time pledge ourselves to act as a bridge between the various denominations and congregations of the universal Christian church.

Article II

As a Christian Grand Priory, we singularly worship and serve our Lord Jesus Christ. We believe in God the Eternal Father and in His Son, Jesus Christ, and in the Holy Ghost, as professed by our Lord and preached by His Apostles. We, therefore, restrict entry into the Order to baptized Christians, eighteen years of age or older, except that the sixteen-year-old or sons and daughters of Dames and Knights may also be granted full membership. We cannot hold any deities of other religions as equal to our Lord, nor grant membership in the Grand Priory to those who do.

Article III

We decry all occult beliefs and practices, declaring them to be anathema and forbidden to all those in the OSMTJ Grand Priory of America. Any Templar who engages in other than Christian worship is automatically excommunicated from the Grand Priory of America, and will be formally expelled.

Article IV

As a Grand Priory, we will never embrace any sectarian cause or political party, other than concerns oaths of fealty or allegiance those countries hosting our priories. While individual knights and dames are free to hold their own opinions and to take part in the political process, they must never associate the Grand Priory with any sectarian or political cause, no matter how noble, lest this Grand Priory be identified with that cause and it detract from our holy purposes. We are dedicated to fostering the rights of Christians in all lands to worship freely, and we consider activities in support of this cause to be more spiritual than secular, as outlined in Article XII.

Article V

No officer or official in the OSMTJ Grand Priory of America will ever order a subordinate knight or dame to perform any act or duty that violates his or her conscience, or religious beliefs, to include the canon law of his or her church, or the laws of his or her country, or applicable international law.

Article VI

We are bound to uphold all just and moral oaths, such as oaths of fealty, and marriage or sacerdotal vows, but no secret oath shall ever be required in the OSMTJ and Grand Priory of America. Nor will blood oaths ever be required of a member of this Grand Priory, for our Lord is the ultimate Judge of whether or not a just and moral oath has been truly kept and fulfilled. All oaths taken by a Knight Templar will be taken on the Christian Bible.

Article VII

We hold, now and forever, that neither titles nor ranks shall ever be for sale, nor will entry into the Grand Priory of America ever be dependent upon any person’s financial or social status. Nor will any knight or dame ever be dismissed from the Grand Priory or held in contempt for the inability to pay donations or obligations. Neither shall any priory nor other governing body of our organization ever levy involuntary assessments on any knight or dame. As the true and spiritual descendants of the original “Poor Knights of Christ,” we will never value money or other material things over humble service to our Lord.

Article VIII

The OSMTJ and Grand Priory of America and its members will respect all state and national laws of the United States of America. We claim no sovereignty. All priories that make up the Grand Priory of America shall recognize and honor those officers elected to serve as the governing body of the Grand Priory.

Article IX

In the case that any member violates this Declaration, the statutes of the Grand Priory of America, or the bylaws of the priory itself, in that such a person may have departed from Templar principles and operates in such a manner as to bring dishonor and discredit upon our Grand Priory, that person will be expelled from our Grand Priory.

Article X

We recognize all other legitimate Knights Templar Orders, and we seek to ally ourselves with other true Knights Templar Orders, but we do not recognize, nor admit the existence of any Templar Order with a superior claim to that of our own.

Article XI

The Grand Priory of America may, from time to time, select a Royal or spiritual Protector for the Grand Priory, and shall pay homage to the same; however, the selection of a Royal or spiritual protector will not imply or express an elevation of the protector’s church over any other church body. We also hereby ordain that all members of the Grand Priory shall render the proper respect to all Christian churches and their lawful clerics and leaders, and will never seek to cause division or schism in the Grand Priory due to theological differences between the various churches and their congregations. We also give grateful thanks to the churches that have assisted this Grand Priory in its time of need.

Article XII

Whereas the Knights Templar were originally founded to protect the Christian pilgrims traveling to the Holy Land, we hold as one of our most sacred duties to be an advocate for the right of Christians to worship freely wherever they may reside or travel, and we will not rest until all Christians are accorded this basic God-given right. We hereby pledge our knightly honor as defenders of the faith, as we pray that our Grand Priory may once again fulfill its charge to guard the sacred places in the Holy Land.

Article XIII

The OSMTJ and Grand Priory of America will never reject any postulant on the basis of race, sex, ethnic origins, nationality, social, economic, or educational status, political creed, or Christian tradition. We hold that in addition to being a baptized Christian and a person of good character, the chief criterion for acceptance will be the postulant’s willingness to serve the Grand Priory faithfully and without thought of recompense. We similarly hold that no postulant has an automatic right to join the Grand Priory, but must be accepted by the membership of the priory to which he or she has applied, and meet the standards established for membership in the Grand Priory.

Article XIV

We hold that beneath our white mantles that we are all humble servants of our Lord Jesus Christ, and we forever mandate that all male and female knights shall be co-equal in this Grand Priory and that no office, title, or rank shall ever be debarred a Knight Templar on the basis of sex, ethnicity, social or financial status, or Christian tradition.

Article XV

We will remember the brave and valorous Knights Templar who were martyred in the name of our Lord, and who were unjustly imprisoned, tortured, and burned at the stake on the orders of an Unchristian King.

Article XVI

Membership in the OSMTJ Grand Priory of America conveys no social titles such as “Sir.” Instead, Christian men who join the organization are termed “Knights” with the honorific title of chevalier, and females are termed “Dames” with the honorific title of Chevaleresse (or Chevalière).

Article XVII

The OSMTJ and Grand Priory of America will forever hold sacred the five indefeasible rules of our Grand Priory:
(1) The Temple and Service thereof, for we are the spiritual descendants of the original Nine Knights of the Order, who first held their conclaves in the Holy Temple in Jerusalem, and we look forward to its rebuilding;
(2) the Love of Meditation, for we must continually look into our own souls, and ask ourselves if we are truly following in the footsteps of the Master;
(3) Discipline, for the principles laid down for the Grand Priory by our patron saint, Bernard of Clairvaux, are still valid today, and we must remember that we are standard-bearers for our faith, and never forget that in all personal choices we set an example, whether good or bad;
(4) Knightly Combat, for the Blood Red Cross that we wear reminds us that sacrifices are often required of the faithful, and we must always be willing to battle the forces of evil in the spiritual realm. Today’s Templars are faced with a spiritual battle instead of a physical one.
(5) Brotherhood and Sisterhood, in that each day we must help our brethren, for one day our Lord shall ask us, “Where is thy brother and thy sister?”; and on that day we shall have to give an account of ourselves. We must not accept reward, but always be pillars of the Temple, for all the Grand Priory holds for us is the opportunity to flee the sins of the world, to live charitably, to be penitent, and above all, to be the humble servant of Almighty God.

In this, our Holy mandate, to further the aims of Christianity and our Grand Priory, and in particular, to enable the Holy Christian Church to carry out the Great Commission, we pledge our lives, our souls, and our knightly honor.

We, the undersigned members of the OSMTJ, representing all the priories in the Confederation, hold that this indefeasible Declaration will henceforth serve as the guiding principles of our Grand Priory, and we declare that any Templars, priories, or governing bodies that depart from them have forfeited their knighthoods and right to be known or called members of the OSMTJ. Let those who violate these principles and bring dishonor to this Grand Priory be summarily expelled, but let those who hold these principles dear and who wish to glorify our Lord be forever known as faithful Knights Templar, and may our Lord give them strength and courage to endure to the end.

Therefore we, the OSMTJ and Grand Priory of America, dedicate this Declaration to our most holy Lord Jesus Christ, to whom all hearts are open, all desires known, and no secrets hidden. We hereby submit ourselves to our Lord, and pray that He will cleanse the thoughts of our hearts by the inspiration of His Holy Spirit, that we may perfectly love and faithfully serve Him, and worthily magnify His greatness and holiness, in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost.

We also pray that we, the OSMTJ and Grand Priory of America, may find our inheritance in the Kingdom of God with all the holy knights and saints who have found favor with our Lord in ages past.

O God, the protector of all who trusts in You, without Whom nothing is strong, nothing is noble, nothing is holy: Increase and multiply upon us Your mercy; that, with You as our Ruler and Guide, we may so pass through things temporal; that we lose not the things eternal; that we are Knights Templar worthy of our charges and oaths, and that we fearlessly battle evil in the spiritual realm; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, forever and ever.

Through Christ, and with Christ, and in Christ, all honor and glory are yours, Almighty God and Father, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, forever and ever. Amen.


We at the OSMTJ are a multi-denominational ministry (Catholic, Protestant, and Orthodox). All of our members, regardless of personal choice of worship, style of ministry, or doctrinal beliefs, have agreed to the following creeds as expressions of our faith and for organizational and ministerial unity.

* Please note when the word “catholic” is used in any of these creeds, it’s not referring to the Catholic church but merely the universal, world-wide church.

Apostles’ Creed

I believe in God the Father, Almighty, Maker of heaven and earth:
And in Jesus Christ, his only begotten Son, our Lord:
Who was conceived by the Holy Ghost, born of the Virgin Mary:
Suffered under Pontius Pilate; was crucified, dead and buried: He descended into hell:
The third day he rose again from the dead:
He ascended into heaven, and sits at the right hand of God the Father Almighty:
From thence he shall come to judge the quick and the dead:
I believe in the Holy Ghost:
I believe in the holy catholic church: the communion of saints:
The forgiveness of sins:
The resurrection of the body:
And the life everlasting.

The Nicene Creed

We believe in one God, the Father, the Almighty, maker of heaven and earth, of all that is, seen and unseen.
We believe in one Lord, Jesus Christ, the only Son of God, eternally begotten of the Father,
God from God, Light from Light, true God from true God, begotten, not made, of one Being with the Father.
Through him all things were made.
For us and for our salvation, he came down from heaven: by the power of the Holy Spirit
He became incarnate from the Virgin Mary, and was made man.
For our sake he was crucified under Pontius Pilate; he suffered death and was buried.
On the third day he rose again in accordance with the Scriptures;
He ascended into heaven and is seated at the right hand of the Father.
He will come again in glory to judge the living and the dead, and his kingdom will have no end.
We believe in the Holy Spirit, the Lord, the giver of life, who proceeds from the Father and the Son.
With the Father and the Son he is worshiped and glorified. He has spoken through the Prophets.
We believe in one holy catholic and apostolic Church. We acknowledge one baptism for the forgiveness of sins.
We look for the resurrection of the dead, and the life of the world to come.

Athanasian Creed

1. Whosoever will be saved, before all things it is necessary that he hold the universal faith;

2. Which faith except every one do keep whole and undefiled, without doubt he shall perish everlastingly.

3. And the catholic faith is this: That we worship one God in Trinity, and Trinity in Unity;

4. Neither confounding the persons nor dividing the substance.

5. For there is one person of the Father, another of the Son, and another of the Holy Spirit.

6. But the Godhead of the Father, of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit is all one, the glory equal, the majesty coeternal.

7. Such as the Father is, such is the Son, and such is the Holy Spirit.

8. The Father uncreated, the Son uncreated, and the Holy Spirit uncreated.

9. The Father incomprehensible, the Son incomprehensible, and the Holy Spirit incomprehensible.

10. The Father eternal, the Son eternal, and the Holy Spirit eternal.

11. And yet they are not three eternals but one eternal.

12. As also there are not three uncreated nor three incomprehensible, but one uncreated and one incomprehensible.

13. So likewise the Father is almighty, the Son almighty, and the Holy Spirit almighty.

14. And yet they are not three almighties, but one almighty.

15. So the Father is God, the Son is God, and the Holy Spirit is God;

16. And yet they are not three Gods, but one God.

17. So likewise the Father is Lord, the Son Lord, and the Holy Spirit Lord;

18. And yet they are not three Lords but one Lord.

19. For like as we are compelled by the Christian verity to acknowledge every Person by himself to be God and Lord;

20. So are we forbidden by the catholic religion to say; There are three Gods or three Lords.

21. The Father is made of none, neither created nor begotten.

22. The Son is of the Father alone; not made nor created, but begotten.

23. The Holy Spirit is of the Father and of the Son; neither made, nor created, nor begotten, but proceeding.

24. So there is one Father, not three Fathers; one Son, not three Sons; one Holy Spirit, not three Holy Spirits.

25. And in this Trinity none is before or after another; none is greater or less than another.

26. But the whole three persons are coeternal, and coequal.

27. So that in all things, as aforesaid, the Unity in Trinity and the Trinity in Unity is to be worshipped.

28. He therefore that will be saved must thus think of the Trinity.

29. Furthermore it is necessary to everlasting salvation that he also believe rightly the incarnation of our Lord Jesus Christ.

30. For the right faith is that we believe and confess that our Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God, is God and man.

31. God of the substance of the Father, begotten before the worlds; and man of substance of His mother, born in the world.

32. Perfect God and perfect man, of a reasonable soul and human flesh subsisting.

33. Equal to the Father as touching His Godhead, and inferior to the Father as touching His manhood.

34. Who, although He is God and man, yet He is not two, but one Christ.

35. One, not by conversion of the Godhead into flesh, but by taking of that manhood into God.

36. One altogether, not by confusion of substance, but by unity of person.

37. For as the reasonable soul and flesh is one man, so God and man is one Christ;

38. Who suffered for our salvation, descended into hell, rose again the third day from the dead;

39. He ascended into heaven, He sits on the right hand of the Father, God, Almighty;

40. From thence He shall come to judge the quick and the dead.

41. At whose coming all men shall rise again with their bodies;

42. and shall give account of their own works.

43. And they that have done good shall go into life everlasting and they that have done evil into everlasting fire.

44. This is the catholic faith, which except a man believe faithfully he cannot be saved.

May the Lord Bless you.



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+357 95517424